This is the fastest way to elevate followers into buyers that actually want your offer

1. Ask yourself who do I want to serve?

2. Why do I want to?

Simple as that

Once you nail those out you can use that as your guide for everything else you create

A simple framework I like to use to help you see what i mean, then i share my unique methodology that doesn’t include avatars, income, or “asking your people” cuz those just don’t work as well as what I’ve created.

This is something I use as a jumping-off point in the Sales Breakthrough Mastermind that uses terms you’re familiar with:

Niche>>Niche Down>>what they need help with >> what they want

Here’s an example:

Dog Training >> Potty Training >> New pet owners to a 6w-3mth old puppy >> stop stepping in pee

Do you see how that what dubbed the clairty thought trail can lead to an aligned offer, clear content that only attracts the right buyers without needing to convince and easily kicks them off the fence because they never got on it.

Your people are ready, excited and willing to buy from you- you just need to be clear on who you serve, what you offer them & why it matters

They are out there searching, they just want to know if what you have is what they want.

If it aligns then they will buy it.

Which this mindset gets rid of the “what if they won’t buy” or “what if they can’t afford xyz price”

Your ideal buyers are ready to buy.

You don’t need to convince them.

You just need to tell them what you offer clearly

It may sound a bit harsh, but if they don’t have money to buy it then they aren’t your ideal buyer.

I struggled with this thought for a long time, but the truth is that

1. You’re a business you have to make money, if you don’t make enough to sustain you, you’ll burn out and have to close shop.

Which leaves you making no impact on anyone.

2. The more money you have the more you can do with it.

This second one helped me overcome this fear of charging even half of what my Sales Breakthrough Mastermind is worth.

I realized that when I make enough sales I can afford to give 3% of every sale to a charity & offer scholarships.

If you want more help, support & customized help then the mastermind might be the place for you

Ready to start making more sales authentically even if your not a writer, so you can spend more time with your family?

Smash the button below to get started

Be sure to share this with someone you think could find it helpful!

The More we share the bigger the impact on others lives

See ya real soon,


Your Sales & Marketing Mentor

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