Categories: Blogging Basics

Start A Blog

Start Your Profitable Blog Today

Whether you want to blog to work from home or just as a creative side hustle,

I’ve put together the perfect 100% FREE mini-course to help you launch today!

Why Blog?

Blogging is the chance not only to share your knowledge with others, to help them improve their lives, but it is also a great way to improve your life! Every business needs a blog, but a blog in itself can be a business that can support your family, retire your husband, and allow you to live a life you’d only imagined, all from the comfort of your couch, the beach, or anywhere!

Blog On Your Time

Being a mom is hard! Blogging is perfect because it can be done anytime day or night, during naps, bedtime, or squeezed in while sitting in the doctor’s office! You can grow your business in the little pockets of time you find in your busy day!

Ability To Grow

Every blog starts with zero traffic, but as you create content, posts, and pages, you build an asset that will continue to grow each and every day.


You can fund the entire first year of your blogging business for the price of a single meal out with the family, it’s the perfect side hustle on a budget!

Blogging is Flexible

One of the best parts of blogging is that it can be done around your schedule, no matter how hectic! No more asking for vacation days, begging for time off, or missing time with your kids! Blogging can be done literally anywhere and anytime, even if you don’t have internet! Here I am with my daughter (and son-not pictured) at her doctor’s appointment working on my phone while we wait for the doctor to come in! It really is so amazing! I’ve also worked at the beach, Starbucks and even while I waited in the car to pick up my kids from Awana class, it’s definitely one of a kind, you are your own boss so you can choose when to work or not work as you please!

What Blogging Means To Me

To me blogging means freedom.

Starting a blog years ago was scary, yet it turned out to be one of the most rewarding things I’ve done in my life!  I have been blessed to have helped so many of you lovely ladies and seeing your success and joy has continued to blow me away!

Blogging has allowed me to leave a domestic violence marriage, support myself and my kids, and has allowed me to live a life full of abundance…I can honestly say that blogging can be life-changing!

Here I’ve put together every step you need to Start A Blog

Here is Every Tool You’ll Need to Get Started

Quick note: Everything I recommend here has a free option except hosting which is extremely affordable!

  • Website Hosting (I recommend Bluehost)
  • Personalized Domain
  • Canva
  • Convert Kit
  • Elementor

Start A Blog Blueprint

Start Blogging in as little as 5 days!


  • Easy to follow video tutorials
  • Templates to make set up a breeze
  • Printables to keep you organized

Now On To The Steps To Start Your Blog

How To Start A Blog

With the proper guidance starting a blog can be really easy, even for those who aren’t techy! If your short on time, or just want to avoid the overwhelm I’ve created a handy dandy short cut just for you and best of all its completely free!

This mini-course will walk you thru each of these steps instead of you reading the hundreds of blog posts required to set up your blog! I actually start at the beginning walking you thru how to choose your topic, name, and focus,  plus I set up a new blog with you, so you see the entire process from the beginning! The course also includes super helpful worksheets and templates to make life easy, all 100% FREE!

Learn What A  Blog’s Purpose Is, How it all works together

Understanding what a blog is, and how it all works together in the bigger picture is key to growing a profitable blog, it’s easy to get stuck in the never-ending content grind if you don’t understand these basic building blocks.

Why Blogs are important

Blogs are important for every business big and small. A Blog can be a business in its own right, but even huge brick & mortar stores like Joann’s, Home Depot and Walmart have blogs, understanding why is a huge piece of the money-making puzzle!

Discover Your Why

Now that you understand what a blog is, where it belongs in the big picture and why it’s important the next step is figuring out what you are going to blog about.

Finding Your Why is the 1st step in a process I like to call the Mindset Method. Once you know your why you can move on to the next step. Need help? No worries I’ve gotcha covered!

Some refer to this as finding your niche, however, ‘choosing your blog niche’ is typically taught as a one-step process, of picking a topic to talk about.

I teach this concept as a 3 step process.

1st discover you’re why.

What are you good at? What are you passionate about? What topic are you knowledgeable about?

Next, Learn the single most overlooked step in the process! Nailing Your Angle

First I want to start by saying ‘Find Your Niche’ is usually a misguided statement followed by off-kiltered advice. While the direct definition of niche is a specific topic, the misunderstanding of the point is rampant. To me, a niche is more than just a topic, its also an angle, and this is the most often missed step that leads to a lot of money and time wasted, bloggers that slave away on content and cant figure out why no one is buying their products or following their blog.

Know Your Audience (Especially if You Don’t Have One, which you don’t if your just starting)

Learn Blogging Best Practices

Choose a Blog Name

Check If It is Available or Trademarked and socials

Here You Can Check Quickly If Your Name Is Available!

Purchase Domain & Hosting

Choose Your Branding

Create Your Log In

Log into Your Blog

Activate Your Theme (I recommend Astra)

Install Your Plug-Ins

Build Your Blog Navigation

Build Your Pages

Update Your Profile

Customize Your Site Branding

Create A Professional Homepage

Create Your First Post

Celebrate You Have Just Set Up Your Blog!!!

Hooray! I’m so excited for you that I’m bursting with pride! Phew! That was hard work but soooo worth it!

If You see this long list of to-do’s and feel overwhelmed have no fear! I love my readers so I’ve created an insanely valuable freebie mini-course just for you! It walks you thru every single step above, plus it gives you super helpful worksheets for additional guidance, and it’s all free!

Start A Blog Blueprint

Start Blogging in as little as 5 days!


  • Easy to follow video tutorials
  • Templates to make set up a breeze
  • Printables to keep you organized

Why Do I Offer This AMAZING Mini-Course For FREE? What’s the Catch?

I totally get it, I’d be a little skeptical too, my dad’s favorite saying is ‘if it’s too go to be true, it probably is’. Well I’m here to tell you, this is not one of those cases, as a domestic violence survivor I understand the need for access to life-changing advice and guidance and I’ve seen so many offering this advice for thousands of dollars, well let me tell you, I did NOT have that kind of cash after my divorce.

Because of this, it took me years and having to start another business in the meantime to build my blog and learn all I needed to by scrimping and saving my cash to finally afford this knowledge, which in my opinion is bulls*it this is such an amazing vault of knowledge and you all deserve access to it for free!

I decided years ago that I would give this knowledge out for free, and yes I have to make some form of money to support my family so I offer a follow up course teaching you everything else you need to know about blogging, once you’ve set up your blog, and I also use affiliate marketing to fill out the income.

This crucial info, I felt, deserved to be free to the public so even though it took me MONTHS to create and was a huge effort I offer it for free so please don’t assume its low quality.

I just value your happiness more than my pocket book!

You will also notice my other paid courses are extremely affordable they go along the same lines of my thinking back to when I couldn’t afford gas to door dash for my rent so we went to food pantries and I rode my bike around town to pay the bills while working tandem uber eats and door dashing, as well as working as a professional photographer to make ends meet.

All while trying to grow my daycare business and starting my blog.

Those hard days are always top of mind for me and I want every one of you to have access to this life-changing info!

Blogging Tips & Tricks

If you’re a bit stuck on your blogging journey, these posts will help give you that boost you need to keep you moving forward!

Blog Tools

If you’re not techy, no worries! I’ve got your back! You’ll learn the most important blog tools that you need to be successful! Don’t worry I explain everything to you!

The Business Side of Blogging

No one really LOVES the business side of things, but they sure are important if you like making money! So I’ve set aside the most helpful blog posts focused on all that business-y stuff, and don’t worry you won’t need a degree in business to understand all this, I’ve made them

I’ve answered all the technical questions about setting up a blog in my courses. If you still have questions after enrolling in the right course, feel free to send us a quick email.

If you’re a fellow entrepreneur interested in working with me please complete the form below!

If you’re a company or fellow amazing entrepreneur and want me to promote your product, please complete the form below.

Guest Posting is a wonderful way to grow your skill and extend your reach to new audiences, but I do not allow guest posting on this blog, since it is strictly my expertise. However, if you are enrolled or have graduated from Blogging Blueprint or Post Blueprint You will have the opportunity to guest post on my blog The Motherhood Mess. Which is a wonderful chance to hone your skills and get in front of a larger audience which will bring traffic and you will be able to showcase ‘featured on’ across your blog which will in turn boost your authority!

Bianca Pitts

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