All NEW Content Creation Kit

No more screaming
"what the heck's
valuable content anyways"

  • Make content that connects directly to your people’s hearts
  • Naturally spark your creativity without pressure
  • Have a clear idea of what to do next
  • Simplify the process of making fantastic content
  • No more screaming at your computer ‘what the hecks valuable content anyways’

Business Can Be Fun & Allows You To Have More Family Time Make Memories Have A Bigger Impact Have Financial Freedom Help More People Make More Sales Enjoy What You Do

Hey there!

I'm Bianca Pitts

Your Go-To DIY Business Strategist. I am passionate about helping you find that peace between work and family. I refuse to even call it balance because, in my opinion, those who tell us as women that we can’t enjoy time with our kids and that we should be spending equal time working and playing are nuts! I stand firm in the belief that you can create a sustainable business that supports your family while spending more time relaxing with them and less time working.

Hey there!

I'm Bianca Pitts

Your Go-To DIY Business Strategist. I am passionate about helping you find that peace between work and family. 

I refuse to even call it balance because those who tell us as women that we can’t enjoy time with our kids and that we should be spending equal time working and playing are nuts! 

I stand firm in the belief that you can create a sustainable business that supports your family while spending more time relaxing with them and less time working.

Hey there!

I'm Bianca Pitts

Your Go-To DIY Business Strategist. I am passionate about helping you find that peace between work and family. 

I refuse to even call it balance because those who tell us as women that we can’t enjoy time with our kids and that we should be spending equal time working and playing are nuts! 

I stand firm in the belief that you can create a sustainable business that supports your family while spending more time relaxing with them and less time working.

Sales Breakthroughs

You Deserve To Make More Sales In Less Time & Actually Enjoy it

Many Mompreneurs like you have spent hours a day trying to figure out what to say or how to share it, then scrambling to throw something out there cuz it’s been a week since you’ve put anything out (or, in my case, it was 11 days).  

I’m going to take a gander at why you might be experiencing the same things…

It’s probably because you hate selling, you don’t want to be annoying, and just the idea of mentioning your offer to a random person makes you break out into a cold sweat.

After years of avoiding selling at all costs, and struggling to make more sales plus shorten my work hours and workload.

Before the Sales Breakthrough System™️ I was working 90 hours a week (50 on my daycare, 40 on the coaching biz), I created the Sales Breakthrough System™️ that allowed me to maximize my sales, close my daycare and become a sales coach full-time while reducing my workload to 15-20hrs per week max while still making more sales than ever before & actually enjoying selling.

I launched Creative Marketing Mom to share this system with other entrepreneurs like myself who struggle with making more sales without the sleaze, creating sleaze-free sales content that converts.

Rather Listen? Hear Quick Tips Listen & Do Laundry Not Read? Listen Instead Get Your Tips Audio Style?

No worries, I've gotcha covered, get your biz quick hits here. Available anytime, anywhere you get your podcasts

You know it needs to get done, but instead, you read Disney news, scroll insta & avoid your scary long list of crap to do, then feel guilty…yea been there. 
Idk about you, but I’m sick and tired of this crapola. So I created a framework of methods that work with my gosh darn ADHD brain to keep me on track & making more sales without the ick. 
Now I share them with you to make your marketing simpler & more productive so you can spend more time doing what matters most (psst. for me that’s snuggling with my littles watching Bluey, or high steppin’ it to my fav ride at Disney🏰)
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