Categories: Blogging Basics

How to Grow Your Audience Even If You Don’t Have One | Do these 2 things

You’re probably tired of hearing people say grow your audience, they often say this phrase along with very vague directions like ‘know your audience’ or ‘ask your readers’ well what if you don’t have any readers besides your friends and your mom?

Well, I’ve got great news for you! I’ve been there so I know how frustrating it can be!

You’ll learn exactly what ‘know your audience’ means, and exactly how to do it, so that you can actually see real growth beyond your mom (no offense, hi mom😄).

First, we’re gonna get some major myths out of the way!

You may have wondered do I have to wait until I’ve got 500 blog posts, a ton of backlinks, a billion sponsors and ads on my site before I make enough money to quit my job?

Luckily the simple answer is no!

A New Blog Can Grow An Audience & Make Money

We have all wondered how do these big blogs come to be huge mama-JAMA companies, how can an itty-bitty new blog grow an audience into a full-time income, it seems impossible but I’m here to tell you it is NOT impossible and it can be done, I have done it myself a few times!

I am going to start by BUSTING a mega myth! 

You Don’t have to be a supa mega superstar blogger to make a real full-time income from your blog.

Target The Right People With Your New Blog To Grow Your Audience

You also don’t have to pick a mainstream topic (how to pick a blog niche)  that everyone and their momma are writing about (although you totally can if you want to (obviously I did on this blog) as long as you have a unique angle and focus! (Use this method that will have people throwing their cards at you! | The Secret to How You Make Money Blogging)

There are little blogs about butterflies (77,900 organic traffic per month!), frogs (16,300 organic traffic per month!), and even water ph (40,400 organic monthly traffic per month) that make tons of money! 

Now you may not want to blog about those topics and that’s ok, they are just a few examples to show you that almost any topic can make you money as long as you write content that speaks directly to them and answers their questions.

Tried and True Methods To Grow Your New Blog Audience

The trick here is you have to know your audience to grow it, people will pay attention to your stuff if you speak directly to them and their needs, think about it for a second if you had a choice between a mono-toned article and an article walking you through a great story, and both answered your question/helped you, which would you pick? Obviously the second one! That is what we are talking about here, its the difference between saying ‘Stop Your Hair From Falling Out’ and ‘Tired of Fist Fulls Of Hair Falling Out Every Time You Brush?’ They are both selling the same article yet one is easily more compelling, the question is WHY?

I can tell you why the second title was a snapshot of your life, you could see it, which also usually comes with emotion if you are actually dealing with that issue, and if that’s your audience then they would see it and feel it, which is what drives action. Your conversions (amount of people actually clicking stuff) would skyrocket!


Here are the 2 tried and true methods to ensure you grow your audience so you can start to make money real money blogging:

  1. Know Your Audience
  2. Know Exactly What They Need

Now I know a lot of you are screaming at your computer right now saying, But Bianca how in the world am I supposed to ‘know my audience’ if I don’t have one?! 

I feel ya! I’m sick and tired of hearing ‘grow your audience’ advice that never really tells you how if you don’t actually have any subscribers (besides your mom- hi mom!)

I remember screaming the same thing at every article and every expensive course I paid (like over $1500 for) that said that annoying phrase! 

Grow Your New Blog By Knowing Your Audience as Strangers Come Home

Have no fear I have the answer here!

You don’t have to have an audience to know who they are!

Wait..what? Yep, that’s what I said! 

You pick your audience based on what you want to write about, what you are knowledgeable about, and know what you can ‘bring to the table’ then you decide before you start precisely who you want to help and how you are going to help them. 

Then you use that as your guide for everything you will create! 

Real-Life Examples Of How To Know Your Audience, To Grow Your Audience

Here are some real-life examples to help you out, this can be such a tricky thing to teach because everyone will have a different niche, angle, and personality to bring to the table, so I gave you a few examples to show you how this could work!

Another important thing to remember is that everyone searching the web for help requires different personalities, teaching styles, and entertainment levels.

I’m not everyone’s cup of tea…shocker, I know! 

But it’s true, I’m not super flashy or dolled up (on purpose), I’m relaxed and I do a no frills approach, that’s not for everyone, and that’s ok!

That’s actually the whole point!

Bloggers who make real money are those who focus on a specific set of people, the blogs who try to please all can still be profitable sometimes, but it takes a whole lot longer and sales are way lower, plus you have to work like 10 times harder making like 30 freebies, product lines, etc all targeted to different ‘focuses’ or audiences. 

To make the most money and be efficient one overarching topic is best, with a specific set of people in mind.

You have to make sure you nail down your focus or angle that you will be blogging about, what are you going to help your readers with?

Learn my secret recipe for nailing down your niche!

Who are you going to teach, what are you going to teach them, and why do they need you?

For example, perhaps you would like to start a food blog, here are some different audience examples that all fall under the umbrella of ‘food blog’.

After each Who (audience example) are ideas of What you would teach/help them with

  • A Busy Mom with teens who are hardly home and need healthy quick pick me ups (healthy spin on traditional eat out style foods that teens would want to eat i.e. chipotle, etc., high protein snacks that can be prepped in advance that will support kids rapid metabolism, meal planning guides, etc.)
  • A New Mom who just had a preemie baby and has to go back and forth from the NICU constantly and needs quick and easy foods that travel well and keep her milk supply full (15 min healthy meals that travel well and can be prepped ahead of time, quick snacks, breastfeeding boost recipes, quick food guides, etc)
  • A Family that has picky eaters (who can stand veggies) but also want to eat keto-  (you create meals that have ‘hidden’ veggies and are kid-approved, keto eating rules, tips and tricks, pantry lists, etc)

These are just some examples to get your ideas rolling

If you are to start a lifestyle blog that’s all about your life, the same questions, who are you talking to, and what are you helping them with?

  • A Mom who wants to get her kids outdoors more and has hardly any time (5 min no-prep outdoor activities, you could get even more specific and do no-prep outdoor science activities- you could also focus on homeschooling moms or science-loving moms)
  • Dog Owners who love taking their pets on vacation but don’t know where to take them (travel blog-pet friendly locations, shops, hotels, activities, etc)
  • An Expecting Mom who wants to knit outfits for her new baby but works full time so she is short on time (would talk about quick and easy beginner knit projects, knit supplies, tips and tricks, and instruction)

There are just a few examples to get those juices flowin’

Adapt Your New Blog Audience Focus As You Grow

Last but not least once you have grown you will constantly adapt!

As you grow an actual audience you can tweak it based on their needs, requests, and questions, but if you’re just starting out this is HOW you know your audience and what they need!

Want Guidance On How To Grow Your New Blog Audience?

If you want to know exactly how to do this with your blog and have someone show you I’m your girl! I’ve got an entire course dedicated to getting your blog focused and targeted whether you started it yesterday or 3 years ago!

If you haven’t started a blog before you buy my Blogging Blueprint course be sure to check out my FREE StartABlog Blueprint course that will get your blog up and running in no time! 


I kept this short and sweet because I want you to focus on these 2 main factors that so many people overlook or overcomplicate (think “avatars” I mean what does it matter if your audience drives a silver Kia…news flash it doesn’t), which leads bloggers to be broke, overworked and stressed! 

No matter what topic you end up talking about, if you love it and position your blog to help your readers learn, build, or grow their knowledge, you will make money!

 Everyone thinks you have to be some huge mega blogging tycoon to make real cash but luckily that’s the furthest from the truth!

Even the smallest little blog if positioned right can make serious cash! Smackdown the card at whole foods check out and not care how much it is kind of cash!

Take Action!

So what do you think? What’s the one thing you struggle with most when it comes to growing your blog?

Be sure to let me know in the comments below!

Until Next Time,

Bianca Pitts

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