Categories: Marketing

How to Easily Skyrocket Your Sales Without The Sleaze

Selling Can Be Simple & Easy Peasy

I heard something the other day from a client and it got me thinking I should chat with you about it.

The myth that selling has to be yucky, slimy and hated by all

 Truthfully, if you do it the way I teach it’s not really selling, and it removes the fear, guilt and sleaze out of the whole process. 

All you and I do is see someone who might benefit from our product and then tell them about it. 

It’s really that simple because we are ethical entrepreneurs, we’re not trying to convince or force anyone to buy our thing, we’re just offering our assistance. 

Just like you would in real life, if you saw someone struggling with loose groceries and you just happen to have a spare bag, you would rush over to offer to help them and offer them you’re bag, they have the choice to take it or pass on our help. 

It’s the exact same thing with online entrepreneurs Just digital For just a day or two when you working here’s some ideas you could try every time your brain tries to feed you unhelpful thoughts: 


Thought To Use To Make Progress

  • I’m just offering my help because I know better than anyone that my offer is something that could truly change their lives
  • I’d be a jerk if I didn’t at least try to tell them about it
  • Someone out there is waiting for my offer and I need to make sure I tell everyone so I can reach that one person
  • What could happen if ‘they’ don’t get my help?
  • Would they be ok with [insert what their life would be like the next 3 months if they don’t get your help] and everything staying the same?

These are just some helpful thought’s that might help you combat the common thoughts and feelings surrounding sales.

Imposter Syndrome Thoughts

Honestly even when you begin making the big bucks like enough to pay cash to buy a nice house and then some, it never stops the imposter syndrome.

The most effective way that i’ve found (so i’m sharing with you) is  from something that seems so simple, but if you really think about it everything comes from a thought.

You don’t buy a car, lunch, or toilet paper without thinking about it first.

The same goes for sales, business and imposter syndrome.

The power of thought is more impactful than any amount of money, so to me it was important to spread the word

Forbes released a study that shows 75% of women CEO’s suffer from Imposter Syndrome, they are literally at the top and they still deal with this crap.

Thoughts You Might Have & Ideas To Combat them

I myself have been using these helpful thoughts above when my brain tries to offer me sucky unhelpful thoughts like some of the one’s below, and i’ll put my rebuttle thoughts I remind myself to combat these unfounded thoughts

  • No one wants your offer

(People buy my offer all the time and gush at how helpful it is to them)

(even though I used to charge clients over $10,000 a year, honestly it doesnt matter how much you make, most often we still struggle with these toxic thoughts) 

  • What if I don’t know enough

(I have 80+ hours of early childhood education, half way thru a marketing degree, have successfully ran 4 businesses, and have been self employed for over 5 years)

  • Would they really find me helpful 

(If I impact just one person it will be worth it)

  • What if they think I’m a fraud

I have a mile of qualifications, experience, and knowledge anyone who speaks with me for a few mins can see my expansive knowlege GOd has blessed me with, there is no reason for me to ever think this yet it shows up in my brain every once in a while…gotta love being human…

The list goes on and on…. 

Our brains are wired to protect us from harm, so naturally they will feed us all kinds of thoughts that will keep us ‘safe’ from danger, the problem is that ‘safety’ is holding us back from making more sales.

Ultimately if we give in the these thoughts we will end up missing out on helping real people who need your help and only your help because no matter how many people are in your niche.

 There is only one you and we all learn, think, and coach and teach differently. 

The same goes for your clients, you may be the only one who offers what they truly need for the impact they want. 

Just wanted to share this with ya, thought it might help, and even if it helps one person then i’ve done my job today. 

Feel free to comment anything you’ve been struggling with, or you think is stopping you from making more sales. 

I’d love to hear your feedback. 

I’m cookin up some goodies for you all, and hearing what you need helps me make sure what i’m creating will really help and provide more impact! 

I look forward to hearing from ya

Bianca Pitts

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