Honestly even when you begin making the big bucks like enough to pay cash to buy a nice house and then some, it never stops the imposter syndrome.
The most effective way that i’ve found (so i’m sharing with you) is from something that seems so simple, but if you really think about it everything comes from a thought.
You don’t buy a car, lunch, or toilet paper without thinking about it first.
The same goes for sales, business and imposter syndrome.
The power of thought is more impactful than any amount of money, so to me it was important to spread the word
Forbes released a study that shows 75% of women CEO’s suffer from Imposter Syndrome, they are literally at the top and they still deal with this crap.
Thoughts You Might Have & Ideas To Combat them
I myself have been using these helpful thoughts above when my brain tries to offer me sucky unhelpful thoughts like some of the one’s below, and i’ll put my rebuttle thoughts I remind myself to combat these unfounded thoughts
(I have 80+ hours of early childhood education, half way thru a marketing degree, have successfully ran 4 businesses, and have been self employed for over 5 years)
I have a mile of qualifications, experience, and knowledge anyone who speaks with me for a few mins can see my expansive knowlege GOd has blessed me with, there is no reason for me to ever think this yet it shows up in my brain every once in a while…gotta love being human…