Fall is in the air and kid are everywhere!

Free Fall Behavior & Reward Charts

Kids driving you into a tizzy?

Are your kids running amuck or 😜 is that just me? I have been so busy with all my black friday prep and holiday planning that my kid’s crazy awesome antics were becoming a little much, and I also felt that typical mom guilt we all feel when this time of year rolls around, were all so busy and we want to do more with the kids. So I came up with this and let me tell you the kids are LOVING this! It’s a win-win, if they behave they get a sticker for doing each behavior per day at the end of the week they get to pick a reward and i’ve made all of our rewards quick and easy crafts, so the kids behave and we now have clear plans to craft together for some extra quailty time, its a win-win!

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